Why You Need Attorney Representation at a Planning Board Meeting

There are many functions of a municipal Planning Board; the main purpose is to ensure that permissible use of land is approved or in the alternative, that the use complies with New Jersey’s Land Use Laws and local municipal ordinances.

One of the responsibilities of a Planning Board is to approve plans for business owners/companies who desire an allowable use of land within a municipality. Accordingly, Planning Board agendas frequently include appearances/applications by business owners or companies. There are laws and local ordinances that govern the use of land within municipalities and Planning Boards are in place to ensure that same are complied with in ever application for land use within their municipality. Local ordinances vary from municipality to municipality.

In the State of New Jersey, businesses/companies are required by law to be represented by an attorney before a Planning Board. Given some of the complexities of land use matters, the State recognizes the importance of applicants’ representation by attorneys skilled in the area of land use. Land use attorneys and their knowledge of the law and local ordinances guide, assist and navigate applicants through the Planning Board application process.

Another function of Planning Boards is to hold public forums for citizens, local business owners, and members of the municipality to discuss upcoming plans and projects. If for instance a resident or local business owner wishes to appear before a Planning Board to voice their opinion on an upcoming project within the municipality, they are not required to be represented by attorney.

As a firm that specializes in land use law, Marmero Law offers an array of land use services to Planning Board applicants. If you are in need of a land use attorney, feel free to contact us for a consultation at agresko@marmerolaw.com or by calling (856)848-6440.